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    5 Tips: How To Try Something New


    Alycia W. Morales

    January 5, 2017

    It’s the new year. What better time to try something new? Have you been longing to learn how to knit or scrapbook? Have you wondered if you would enjoy yoga or wanted to learn to cook? Is there a class you’ve been dying to take?

    What’s holding you back?

    Are you nervous? I can hear the questions now. Where would I even start? How do I know what to get? What if I screw it up? What about the closet full of supplies I already have? My husband will kill me if I buy one more craft project.

    Don't let fear stop you from trying something new this year. #lifeinspired Share on X

    Here are 5 pointers for trying something new:

    1. Start with the basics. Rather than going out and spending a couple of hundred dollars on supplies, start with the bare necessities. Most crafts or DIY projects really only require a few simple tools to get started. Don’t go overboard. That way, if you decide you can’t stand what you’re doing, you’re not out your electric bill.
    2. Watch YouTube videos before you start. Research so that you have a good understanding of the skills and supplies needed to accomplish what it is you’re putting your hands to do. This can save both time and money in the long run. And not every video is the same. Some are easier to follow or understand than others.
    3. Find a friend who has experience with the new thing you’ve chosen to learn. Friends are great at encouraging us to try new things, especially if they are already involved in that particular area. They can help you purchase what you need and give you tips to get started. They may even do a project with you in order to teach you.
    4. If none of your friends do what you want to learn to do, look for a local club or meet-up you can attend. Most are happy to have new members.
    5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Learning takes time. You may spend an extra hour or a few extra bucks as you get the hang of something. That’s how we learn, and it’s okay. Now you know what not to do the next time.

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