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    woman standing under a tree

    hey friend!

    I’m Alycia, wordsmith and mama of many stripes who is addicted to reading books, watching crime shows, drinking sweet tea, documenting life with my camera, creating beautiful things, and making mixed playlists on YouTube (I might miss the original MTV).

    In my day job, I’m the receptionist at Precision Concrete Construction, Inc.’s regional office. (My hubby also works for them as a superintendent.)

    At my second job, I’m a writer, editor, and I share on the complexities of faith, life’s joys and heartbreaks, and stories. I create community for women who desire to live their best story and for writers who want to share their stories with a world in need of hope.

    And in my other job, I feed and parent three young adults, which if you’re a mama to children of any age, you know is a full-time job on its own.

    grab a cup of your favorite beverage, pull up a seat, & let’s hold sacred space together …

                      What I’m all about:

    Jesus Girl: Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and I am all for His glory.

    Being a Wife & Mom of 9: 1 stepson, 3 bio children (2 sons, 1 daughter), 1 foster-adopted daughter, 3 babies in heaven, & a 19-year-old bio son in heaven

    Professional Learner: I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong process, and I’m consistently studying in my areas of expertise.

    Writing: My writing has been featured in multiple magazines, compilation books, and online sites.

    I’m currently working on my first nonfiction book, a survival guide for mamas who are grieving the death of a child, due to release July 30, 2024.

    Editing: I have used my mad editing skills to help over 100 authors polish their manuscripts, the majority of whom have gone on to find publication & win multiple awards for their writing.

    Community: We are relational beings who need people in our lives who will encourage, inspire, and build us up. We need safe spaces to share our stories. And we should live our best stories every day. That is what this community is all about.

    Coaching: Your story matters, and so do you! I love encouraging and inspiring others to become their best and live their greatest life! Whether you’re a mama or a writer struggling with your story, I’m here to help. Let’s turn your grief into joy!

    You will show me the path of life;
    In Your presence is fullness of joy …

    Psalm 16:11 (NKJV)

    – connect with me here –

    – check out my playlists on YouTube –

    Our most important legacy will be the contributions we make to the lives of other human beings.

    Thomas Kinkade

    5 fun things about me:

    1. I’ve been in People magazine. (I’m in the red sweatshirt, kissing my infant son’s forehead.)

    2. One summer I worked as a stand-in for Cherry Jones on a Christian Slater movie.

    3. I cannot drink regular, full-caf coffee. It gives me a 3-day headache that nothing will touch. Annoying but not super painful, thankfully. I have to drink decaf. It frustrates me when I go places that don’t offer it.

    4. I’m an expert at packing, moving, and unpacking. I’ve moved over 30 times in 50 years and lived in 7 different states.

    5. When I met my teenage celebrity crush, Kirk Cameron, my hubby told him I still have the report I wrote about him in middle school. I turned bright red, and Kirk told me I looked like Bob the Tomato. LOL.

    Alycia Morales with Kirk Cameron at a Fundraiser

    my professional bio

    Alycia Morales is a freelance editor, book/writing coach, and writer. Surviving the Year of Firsts: A Mom’s Guide to Grieving Child Loss released in September 2024. Her work has also been featured in numerous magazines and several compilation books.Thanks to her mad editing skills, her clients have won multiple awards in several national contests. In addition, she’s the prior Conference Assistant for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

    When she isn’t busy writing, editing, and reading, Alycia enjoys spending time with her husband taking hikes in the Blue Ridge Mountains of the Carolinas or running off to the beach with friends. She loves coffee, chocolate, crafting, and watching crime shows.

    Alycia can be found at She hangs out on Facebook and Instagram.