Everyone has their preference for how they keep track of all of life’s appointments, to-do lists, and hopefully the occasional date-night or girls’ night out. There are electronic calendars, wall calendars, desk calendars, pocket calendars, bullet journals, and planners available to all. I’ve tried several of these types of planners. But the one I keep coming back to and have stuck with for a couple of years now, is the Happy Planner.
The Happy Planner is a Me and My Big Ideas product. You can find it at most of your local craft stores, such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Joann’s, and even Walmart carries them. Or, you can go directly to the company’s website: https://www.thehappyplanner.com/
(See my post here about getting started with a Happy Planner.)
There are several reasons I love using The Happy Planner system for my planning purposes.
Here are the top eight:
1. There’s something for everyone.
Are you a stay-at-home-mom who works from home or homeschools? Chronic kid mom with a lot of appointments? Working mom who has to schedule everything around work hours? Someone who cares about health and fitness? A budgeting guru? A scrapbooker? Someone who loves to throw parties? A cook or someone who loves to bake?
With The Happy Planner, there are insert packs for all of these OR planners designed specifically for all of these. And the designs are fantastic, because they cover everything from the classy to the country to the colorful. Like I said, there’s something for everyone!
2. The interchangeability.
The Happy Planners come with discs, instead of a spiral or three-ring binder. I don’t know about you, but every three-ring binder I’ve ever had ends up falling apart. The clasps end up twisted and don’t close tight after a while. The papers rip at the hole, and then they fall out. Spiral notebooks warp and the paper gets stuck at the top or bottom of the spiral. That doesn’t happen with The Happy Planner discs.
The discs also provide room for interchangeability of pages, expansion, and mix-and-matching refills. Which leaves room for setting up your calendar system the way that works best for you.
And, the discs are interchangeable. You can mix and match between brights and metallics to your heart’s content.
3. The Pages and Refill Packs.
As I mentioned in reason one, there are refill packs galore. And as I mentioned in reason two, the pages are interchangeable.
I love that I can buy a planner that comes with the basic calendar pages (with a monthly review!) and then fill in whatever works best for me when it comes to extra pages. There are note packs. And you can get them in bullet journal style or lined. There are simple budgeting sheets, complete with a savings goal page. Holiday planning packs for all of us who love Christmas and baking cookies and buying presents and sending cards. Plus, there are fitness refills to track your health journey. I LOVE THE REFILL PACKS.
4. The calendar pages come in a variety of layouts.
One is goal oriented, and the page is structured with three priorities at the top of each day while the boxes are hour-increments through the day from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Another style of layout is a three-box grid for each day of the week, and the boxes are empty. This leaves room for you to design it the way you like. The dated calendars have the date at the top of the pages, and there’s a monthly and weekly spreads for each month. The undated calendars are laid out like these as well, but they are undated. You can fill these in.
5. There are an abundance of Happy Planners out there in the world who share their spreads with others.
No matter what social media platform you have, you can find an abundance of layout ideas from other planners out there in the world. So you can be creative and use a Happy Planner, but you don’t have to be creative to do so.
And if you’re like me, you just love looking at (or ogling) all the Happy Planner spreads other people do! I have a Pinterest board for it, a saved posts category on Facebook for it, and a saved posts category on Instagram.
6.The Variety of Planners.
I have many things going on at one time. I’m raising my kids and doing family life. I am a journaler who loves to keep track of everything and takes notes when I study the Word of God or am at a conference. I work from home, try to budget, scrapbook, craft – do all sorts of things. The variety of planners I can buy keeps me content and able to do all of the things. Happy Notes. Memory Planner. Budgeting Planner. Fitness Planner. There are planners for my multi-faceted life, or I can buy one planner for most of it and just add pages.
7. The Variety of Sizes of Planners.
The Happy Planner comes in a variety of sizes. Three. Mini, Classic, and Big. Mini represents a journal-sized planner. Classic is more the size of a composition notebook, and Big is the size of a regular notebook.
I have loved stickers since I was a little girl. At first, I wasn’t thinking about it, but one day, in the midst of laying out one of my pages, it dawned on me. I love using The Happy Planner, because I love stickers! When I was in fourth grade, I spent several recesses trading stickers with a group of girls. I collected them. I love sticking stuff on the pages! And arranging them. And buying new ones.
These are reasons I love using The Happy Planner system.
Are you a Happy Planner? If not, what do you use? If so, what do you love about the system? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!